Feb 20, 2017

How To Lose Ten Pounds in 100 Days

   Everyone can make it, loosing ten pounds in 100 days. First hide your scale in the basement, you may weigh only once a week. Second stop chasing your target weight, make it easy, you will make it.
   I discovered the secret, no pills, no expensive powders and no hunger along the days.  
No need for complicated lists, just keep the rule "don't exceed the Two pound food per day".
  The second rule "One pound food per day, per 100 pounds of your weight"
Beverages: coffee max three cups, tea all kind but weak unlimited, only one can of beer, no booze.
  No need to sweat at the Gym or jogging, just keep the rule of Two pounds per day. 

Feb 7, 2017

The Best Things in Life are Free

During binge-watching Mad Men I stopped and checked for the great song "The Best Things in Life are Free" here is one of the top scene of that TV series. just take your time and enjoy it. if you still didn't watch it, go now.
Some Facts - Link

The Best Things in Life Are Free

There are so many kinds of riches
And only one of them is gold
The wealth you miss, remember this
Worthwhile things cannot be bought or sold

The Moon belongs to ev'ryone
The best things in life are free
The stars belong to ev'ryone
They gleam there for you and me

The flowers in spring
The robins that sing
The sunbeams that shine
They're yours, they're mine
And love can come to ev'ryone
The best things in life are free

The world has many sorts of treasures
And most of them you bargain for
But after all, such joys so small
Treasures real you always have in store

The Moon belongs to ev'ryone
The best things in life are free
The stars belong to ev'ryone
They gleam there for you and me

The flowers in spring
The robins that sing
The sunbeams that shine
They're yours, they're mine
And love can come to ev'ryone
The best things in life are free

"The Best Things in Life are Free" (Jack Hylton, 1928)


The Best Things in Life are Free - Bing Crosby 

Dinah Shore - The Best Things In Life Are Free 1948



Jan 26, 2017

How To Save Ten Grands

A dozen years ago I traveled all the way down to Ushuaia to pick a two weeks trip to Antarctica. some misunderstanding canceled my booking and we stayed ashore. We enjoyed four wonderful days in the area, we should stay two more days. one afternoon we join a trip along the Beagle Channel a round trip of about 400 km. the boat was brand new and equipped luxury. we enjoyed the scene finally we arrived to the Penguins Island. 
On the way back, the sea rumbled and we respect Neptune for letting us return safely to Ushuaia. just to paint the picture I must tell you that all the bottles on the bar were smashed. I asked the skipper why they didn't canceled that trip if they had the weather forecast, but you know they must be used to that, and a dollar is a dollar.

Anyway today I watched some great photography expedition clips which make me happy watching them. so if you spare sixty minutes you will save Ten Grands and two weeks on board, time is money eh?.

A Joshua Holko Photography Expedition to The Falklands, South Georgia and Antarctica

Here Richard Sidey share his photographs
Here Joshua Holko share his photographs